Next Steps If You Suspect a Slab Leak

Plumbing Steps to Take Before Calling for a Slab Leak Specialist

Steps to take when you spot a slab leak


Turn off the water line

Immediately turn off the water line shut off valves inside and/or outside your home. If you need assistance locating and operating your main lines, call one of our professional slab leak specialists with Evans Leak Detection at (949) 855-1032 to assist you.


Call Evans Leak Detection

Call Ron or Pat at Evans Leak Detection to get your flat rate leak detection and repair as soon as possible! Our team is available 24/7 to assist with any emergency leaks that might happen.

Shut off the water

This is more important than knowing how and where to turn off and reset an electric breaker. Knowing how to operate water in your home can save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary water damage and repairs.

Every home is required to have a main water shut-off valve installed inside/or outside the home during initial construction. For most emergencies or repairs, shutting off the proper valve will be the first focus. This valve is typically at the front of the house, often behind landscaping.

The Shut off valve may also be located in your garage, again typically towards the front of the house.

When the main water line enters your home, it branches off into smaller lines which lead to these fixtures. Each fixture in your home has an individual shut-off, also called a stop, for the hot and cold-water lines.

In addition there is an underground shut-off valve installed at the homes property line typically on the meter. The meter is property of the water company. They typically advise homeowners not to touch their property. The line from the meter to the house and all plumbing beyond is considered homeowners property and responsibility.

Moreover, newer construction homes tend to have fire sprinkler systems which have their own separate independent valve from the main line. If there is more than one valve please call one of our plumbing specialists with Evan’s Leak Detection at (949) 855-1032 to take you through the process step-by-step.

Closing The Main Water Line Valve (shut-off/turn-off)

Typically Level handle valves are utilized in homes in Southern California. They will need to be slowly turned in ¼ increments, or until the handle is no longer parallel with the pipe. It should stop at a ¼ turn.

Round wheel handle valves which are found typically on older homes will turn off by turning the wheel to the right clockwise. (Right is tight/Left is loose) It may take 2 or more full turns before it is all the way off.

Why professional leak detection services are essential

It is not acceptable for providers to simply break into pool decks or home slabs without a leak first being confirmed. On most homes, slabs are never disturbed. However, if your home is older than 1970, there often is no other way to correct the slab leak other than conducting a direct access through the slab.

True leak detection is a far more cautious and technical process that requires ruling out all other options before using any invasive strategies to resolve an issue. Numerous innovations in leak detection equipment eliminate the need to make major alterations to the slab as part of the leak detection process. Our professional slab repair company relies on non-invasive equipment for detecting leaks. We do all we can to leave the slab undisturbed unless no other alternatives are possible.

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